Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Where have I been?

Here's the update:

  1. I'm working on blogging more.  Thus, the blog today.  All my journalling, facebooking, tweeting, and writing exercises need to be stepped up.  Though, I know it's progress not perfection.
  2. I completed my deadline for I'm Not Crazy Just Bipolar to go to a large publishing house. Had to put together a press kit (Thanks, Kim!) and scramble a bit.  Made it and a big load was off.
  3. Two weeks after deadline, we moved.  Always a nightmare to move, but it went pretty well, sans one bag that looked like trash but actually had things we needed.  So, there was a casualty but oh well, what can you do?
  4. I had a little episode.  Okay, not little.  It was my worst since 2005. I avoided the hospital, but it was up and down, down and up, all over the place.  I'm doing much, much better now, thank you.
  5. I am done with my interview for women's health.gov.  Click here: http://www.womenshealth.gov/news/spotlight/2011/9.cfm.

The Red Bank Writers Group is going strong, almost 3 years now.  We had a great meeting the other night and I always learn something new.  Also, I just joined the New Jersey Author's Network and am excited to contribute there.  Hoping to do a panel/discussion at the Middletown Library early next year.

Stay tuned.  And to my writers:  keep writing!

; )  wendy