Wednesday, May 7, 2014

I've Moved!

I've Moved Everyone! Check out my other, "newer" home at WordPress:

I have to say...I think blogspot is entirely easier; but they say wordpress is the "writers blog" so I went. I can say I like uploading pics from here though. 

Maybe I'll switch back.  Still, I thought I may as well catch you all up to what has been going on. Here's the lo down since last year:
  1. Published my first book with a traditional press. Only took me severn years and 7500 copies. (I'm tired just thinking of that climb.)You have to do your work and perserverence is key here.
  2. Blessed to get an agent. She rocks, rocks, rocks! (Even though she is more of a jazz singer. She can do and sing it all. Very multi-talented she is. In fact, a little trivia, she has sang on several Bruce Springsteen albums and on the Jon Stewart show several times....)
  3. Am no longer forced to be a webmaster, creator, etc. The publisher had one created for us. What a RELIEF!!!!!!!   Address:
  4. personal site is still managed by me - geez - and looks like it. Check out amateur hour here: I did say I got published but never did claim I made the big time.
  5. Oh yes, how about that new book title. That would be nice. Here it is. Get ready it's 12 words. When you publish, be prepared if your publisher/agent want to turn your 4 or 5 word title into 12. Two Bipolar Chicks Guide to Survival: Tips for Living with Bipolar Disorder was born. 
  6. Here's our logo. Woop Woop. 
  7. The artist's name is none other than Miss Kim Sillen. I love her to pieces. She can (literally) do ANYTHING!
  8. Book cover:  
  9. We moved, three times in four years. All due to hurricaines. It's been fun; but we do feel very blessed to have landed in a small cottage-like house (as my Mom calls is) just two blocks from my parents. I never would have predicted this growing up. All I wanted was out out out and away from here. Funny to me.
  10. Lastly, here is the link on Amazon for our eBook and paperbook is also avx. You know how to get around A-zon.

That's about it. Have a groovy day. Keep reaching for the stars. Fall on the moon? Ah well, at least you went for it.