I've Moved Everyone! Check out my other, "newer" home at WordPress: http://wendykwilliamson.wordpress.com/
I have to say...I think blogspot is entirely easier; but they say wordpress is the "writers blog" so I went. I can say I like uploading pics from here though.
Maybe I'll switch back. Still, I thought I may as well catch you all up to what has been going on. Here's the lo down since last year:
- Published my first book with a traditional press. www.posthillpress.com Only took me severn years and 7500 copies. (I'm tired just thinking of that climb.)You have to do your work and perserverence is key here.
- Blessed to get an agent. She rocks, rocks, rocks! (Even though she is more of a jazz singer. She can do and sing it all. Very multi-talented she is. In fact, a little trivia, she has sang on several Bruce Springsteen albums and on the Jon Stewart show several times....)
- Am no longer forced to be a webmaster, creator, etc. The publisher had one created for us. What a RELIEF!!!!!!! Address: www.twobipolarchicks.com
- But....my personal site is still managed by me - geez - and looks like it. Check out amateur hour here: www.wendykwilliamson.com. I did say I got published but never did claim I made the big time.
- Oh yes, how about that new book title. That would be nice. Here it is. Get ready it's 12 words. When you publish, be prepared if your publisher/agent want to turn your 4 or 5 word title into 12. Two Bipolar Chicks Guide to Survival: Tips for Living with Bipolar Disorder was born.
- Here's our logo. Woop Woop.
- The artist's name is none other than Miss Kim Sillen. I love her to pieces. www.kimsillen.com. She can (literally) do ANYTHING!
- Book cover:
- We moved, three times in four years. All due to hurricaines. It's been fun; but we do feel very blessed to have landed in a small cottage-like house (as my Mom calls is) just two blocks from my parents. I never would have predicted this growing up. All I wanted was out out out and away from here. Funny to me.
- Lastly, here is the link on Amazon for our eBook and paperbook is also avx. You know how to get around A-zon. http://www.amazon.com/Two-Bipolar-Chicks-Guide-Survival-ebook/dp/B00JOW47O0/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&sr=8-1-wordsplitter&qid=1399486518
That's about it. Have a groovy day. Keep reaching for the stars. Fall on the moon? Ah well, at least you went for it.